Few visitors a day?
On 14 August 2006 at 08:54, Lisa De Witt made the proofless claim that my blog is visited by only a "few people a DAY!"
Let's take a look at my blog statistics (taken 14 August 23.31) and see:
Clearly my blog continues it's unabated success. 83 visitors for Sunday 14th August 2006 with 3 visitors in the last hour alone. :-)
The only serious change that I have noticed is a significant drop in the number of average visitors per day. That is understandable considering that I haven't written many articles of late, and neither have I been keeping up on the promotion side. That is all set to change soon, and it does wonders for the page views counter: 96 unique page views and 184 pages visited in all, in just one day! :-)
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